Photographic Memories
Herein I am displaying a selected collection of images representing the highlights and memories of my first decade in retirement dealing mainly with aviation, (freelancing, aviation events, air-displays etc). Of course many of my favorite hobbies which are important in my life will be seen too: railroads in all forms, originals and vintage down to the N-scale trains – hence my E-mail address: Retirement is great if handled properly? enjoy!
2004... ... Besides my own retirement in 2003, many historic celebrations for 100 Years of powered flight, from the Wright Brothers onwards were held. On the other hand the Concorde was retired and world’s most experienced airline: PANAM disappeared. I also did my first free-lancing-training for Air Astana in Almaty, Kasakhstan. And back home there was plenty of time for some suitable Christmas decorations and invitations.
2005... Finally more time could be spent with family and friends. The Geneva Motor Show is 100 Years old and Airbus set a milestone with the first flight of their A-380: world’s largest airliner after the Boeing 747. At the aerodrome: Lausanne- Blecherette an aerobatic air display was presented and in Yverdon les bains the CFF-workshops had an open day for their 100th anniversary. Generally this Year offered many great  occasions to discover Switzerland by train and to enjoy vintage steam events.
2006... Meeting my old schoolmates from the class of 1954-56 was a memorable event. In May an other  freelancing deployment for an A-320 B2 training in Almaty/KZ was accomplished and I took a closer look at this vintage city along the silk Road. In August I visited Paris by train and later a couple of railroad vintage and Model train events were worth visiting. Then in November I left for the Algarve winter-holiday.
2007... Following the return from Portugal, there were many anniversaries to attend: 150Years of Rheinfallbahn-line, 100 Years Bahnhof Basel and the Gotthard rail line‘s 100- Year Jubilee. Aviation celebrated a memorable vintage air display in Dittingen/SO and two weeks later a local festival in our resident village of Watt was celebrated. And then in November I accomplished another A320-B2 training for ELAL in Tel Aviv with a bit of nostalgia besides, during my spare time.
2008... The early months of this Year I spent in the Algarve as usual and back home a couple of retirement parties had to be attended. Railroad events were the 150 anniversary of the Rheintallinie: St.Margrethen to Chur among others In summer. Then I purchased a new fully chromed British-bicycle the Pashley-Phantom. Just after that I had to have a surgery to repair a cracked hernia which was my first hospital visit in my life! Many rail events followed like the opening oft he „Glattalbahn“-tramway from downtown Zurich to the airport. Just before Christmas the most famous playdoll in the world celebrated its 50th anniversary which was an opening for some remarkable presentations.
2009... This Year‘s Algarve-Holiday was shifted to Jan./Feb. And while Hans Erni the famous artist celebrated his 100th birthday, At home we had a bit of media visitors due to the famous plastic doll collection. Even a TV presentation of my partner’s collection and later an exhibition in the Swiss-Kindermuseum was organized. Aviation highlights of this Year were a vintage air display in Kestenholz and in October we walked uphill to the Axalp watching a Swiss Airforce shooting demonstration. In October Midwest Airlines in Milwaukee returned all its 717's airplanes and 700 flight crews lost their jobs including our longtime friend and SBB-fan: Al Minich from Denver.
2010... During the final days of 2009 the 787 Dreamliner prototype finally took to the air and until late this Year the test programme is accomplished in SEA. Following my return from an Algarve holiday with much rain I did an MD-80- for a charter operator in CDG- quite a bit of nostalgia for me. Mid April became a nightmare for many carriers when Eyiafjallajökull-volcano erupted in Iceland and sent a huge cloud of volcanic ash all overhead Europe for up to six days. Despite it all the 100th anniversary of Swiss aeronautical development have been celebrated all this Year, I shall be seventy in November and therefore I joined the Fokker Team to stay in close contact with old birds. 